5 Pro Tips for Perfect Invisible Mannequin Photography

Perfect Invisible Mannequin Photography

Do you know that around 58% of top fashion brands use ghost mannequins to showcase their products on various e-commerce platforms? When it comes to creating a professional and consistent look, invisible mannequins can play a vital role. This photography technique is an even a better choice than flat-lay photography, hanger shots, tabletop setups, or live models. However, you must know the techniques to capture perfect shots of invisible mannequin photography, and editing those perfect ghost mannequin shots is also important, as usual. The product images must showcase a proper fit and fine details. This article covers some pro tips to get better at ghost mannequin shots.

Tips for Perfect Invisible Mannequin Photography

01. Select the Right Mannequin

Select the Right Mannequin for Invisible Mannequin Photography

  • The first step in perfecting an invisible mannequin for clothing photography is choosing the correct mannequin. They are mainly available in three types: Realistic, Abstract, and Headless mannequins.
  • Realistic ghost dummies are a good choice for high-fashion clothing, such as suits, fancy dresses, or culturally significant attire.
  • In contrast, abstract mannequins are perfect for minimalist, trendy, or modern apparel, like urban fashion, sportswear, or casual wear.
  • But professionals prefer using headless ghost dummies for everyday outfits, such as activewear, dresses, jeans, etc.

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02. Use a High-end DSLR Camera

Use a High-end DSLR Camera

A perfect DSLR or mirrorless camera keeps you only one step away from taking professional-grade invisible mannequin shots.

Before choosing a particular camera, you must consider some crucial attributes, such as

  •         Sensor Type
  •         Megapixel Count
  •         Autofocus Performance
  •         Lens Options
  •         Manual Control System
  •         Image Stabilization 

Hundreds of digital cameras are available for invisible ghost mannequin photography. However, the following are the best choices in different categories.

03. Prepare the Garment

Prepare the Garment

  • You can take your ghost mannequin clothing photography to the next level with a customer-centered apparel styling approach.
  • Keep the shoulders level to achieve visual balance and alignment in the attire’s appearance.
  • You don’t want to miss out on any key selling point that customers want to see, right?
  • Small details like zippers must be shown off to highlight the craftsmanship and quality of the clothing. Angle the leg to showcase the zipper line. Or unzip slightly to reveal a glimpse of the inner lining.
  • Another technique is taking photos with an open-up collar. It highlights the embellishments of the neck area.

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04. Capture Zoomed-in and Back Shots

Capture Zoomed-in and Back Shots

  • Take closer shots of apparel to showcase intricate details, such as fabric texture, stitching, seam lines, buttons, etc. Customers can understand the attire better and make an informed purchase decision.
  • Can you see how clothing drapes on the back of the body from the front side?
  • That’s why you don’t want to skip capturing back shots. It helps buyers see the inner details. They can visualize how the clothing will fit and look from all angles.
  • This approach creates a positive impression on customers. They feel more confident about buying the product.

05. Reveal Additional Details

  • The clothing shape affects how a customer will feel after wearing it. It grabs buyers’ attention at first attempt or takes it away immediately.
  • Emphasize a proper contouring technique by placing the clothing item strategically. It showcases a natural figure.
  • Maintain natural folds to demonstrate how the clothing moves on a real body.
  • Aim to show as many important details as possible. It adds depth to the image and creates visual interest.


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When it comes to taking perfect invisible mannequin photography, lighting plays a key role in setting up the atmosphere, mood, and style. Use various creative and practical techniques to get better at ghost mannequin photography. After taking perfect clothing shots, don’t forget to follow a seamless post-processing approach to edit images perfectly.

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