Remove Background from Image on iPhone: Quick Guide

remove background from image on iphone

Are there any messy objects in your iPhone photo? Wondering how to remove the background and highlight the main subject? Are you planning to buy a paid app or any third-party application? How about using the built-in software? This post guides you on how to remove the background from an image on an iPhone.  

How to Remove Background from Image on iPhone from the Photos app

Why use a third-party app to eliminate background when you can do it with a built-in app on an Apple device? It takes only a few minutes to get rid of unwanted backdrops from these Apple devices. Let’s learn the procedure step-by-step. 


Step_01: Choose Your Photo

Launch your Photos app and tap on the image for which you want to get rid of the background. 

Step_02: Select the Subject 

  • Hold the subject of the photo. If you are working on a human or animal, tap on its face. Not in the area outside of their face. 
  • For material or scenic pictures, hold the center of the object. 

Step_03: Wait for Scanning the Subject 

  • Hold on for one or two seconds to let the system scan the subject.  
  • Two options will be visible once the scanning process is complete: Copy and Lookup.
  • You can use the ‘Lookup’ option to find similar objects from the Photos app. 

Step_04: Store the Picture from Notes

  • To store the image file, copy and paste the scanned item into the Notes app or drag and drop it into the same application.
  • Tap on the share icon from the upper panel and select the save option. Check your Photos app to see the picture without any backdrop.

Step_05: Save the Image from the iMessage chat

  • Another way to save the photo is by copying and pasting the scanned item into the iMessage chat.
  • Then, click and hold it for a second. The ‘Save’ option will be visible below the Sticker option. Tap on the icon to save your photo.    

You may also like to read… A Simple Tutorial on How to Extend a Background in Photoshop CC


How to Remove Background from Image on iPhone from the Files app

Another simple way to save a photo on an Apple Phone is using the Files app. Let’s learn the procedure: 

Tips_01: Open your Files application. Select and hold the picture you want to clear from the backdrop. But don’t open it.

Tips_02: Hit the “Quick Actions” icon and tap the “Remove Background” button from the list of options. 

Tips_03: Wait until the system clears the backdrop and generates the main subject. 

Tips_04: Finally, give the edited picture a new name and save it. It helps you easily find it.   


Which iPhone devices allow you to remove the background from images?

It supports only the iPhone XR and newer models. Apple devices with iOS 16, iOS 17, and newer iOS versions allow you to clear the backdrop from photos.

Which iPhone devices don’t support removing backgrounds from images?

 iPhone X, iPhone 8+, and older devices don’t support eliminating the backdrop from a picture. 

Does removing the background from an image in an iPhone give accurate results? 

If the photo contains only one subject with a simple outline, it can give more accurate results. But, the accuracy may be reduced for multiple subjects with complex outlines. 

How to remove the background from a picture on an iPhone from Safari?

Tap and hold the photo’s subject on your Safari browser and select the “Copy Subject” option. Then, paste it into Notes or iMessage Chat and save it. 


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If you don’t get an accurate result in a particular section, try other options. The accuracy may vary depending on the photo quality, system integration, and other attributes. Don’t expect the same level of result as professional software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom can give. You can use this built-in app for basic photo backdrop removal tasks. Now, you know how to remove background from image on iphone in several ways. 

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