Photo Requirements for Amazon Product

photo requirements for amazon

Amazon is the largest e-commerce platform. Selling on Amazon means a lot for e-commerce brands. They can get an advantage from the huge customer base of amazon. If you want to sell on Amazon, you must stick to photo requirements for Amazon. Like any other prime e-commerce platform, Amazon has its image guidelines. Let’s explore the image requirements for Amazon to comply with their policies. 


Primary Image Requirements for Amazon Product

Photo requirements for Amazon have specific guidelines for the primary product image. The summary of the guidelines is as follows:

  • White background: The background of the product image should be clean and have a pure white background. 
  • Only the product: The main image should present only the product the seller wants. It should not contain any other objects that do not come with the product. 
  • Trademark or logo: The primary image contains no logo, branding, or trademark.
  • Product fill: The product should fill at least 85% of the frame. It should leave a small portion for the white margin.
  • Image resolution: The image should be at least 1000 px on the largest side so that Amazon’s zoom feature works perfectly. 
  • Image quality: The image should be good quality and free from blurriness. 


Guidelines for Secondary Images

Besides the primary image, Amazon has guidelines for nine other secondary photos you can upload for better engagement. Below are the requirements.

  • Photo background: The secondary images may not have pure white backgrounds, but they should be free of distractions and have a clean background. 
  • A different perspective: In the secondary images, the product should be presented from different angles to give the customers a better idea about the size, shape and texture.
  • Close-up shots: Take a few close-up shots of the product to see if the texture, buttons, or design features are essential for the customers to make their decisions. 
  • Show packaging: If packaging is an integral part of the product, show it with clear pictures. 
  • Include lifestyle images: If appropriate, present the product with lifestyle images to give the customers a clear sense of scale.


Image Size Requirements for Amazon

Amazon images should follow the below size guidelines:

  • Any photos for Amazon should be at least 1000px on the longest side and 500px on the shortest side.
  • To make the zoom feature work perfectly, Amazon recommends that the image’s longest side be at least 2000px, but it’s not a requirement.
  • The recommended aspect ratio for images is 1:1 ( square). However, another ratio may also work if you comply with other size requirements. 


Other important requirements

There are a few other points to be noted for becoming compliant with Amazon: 

  • Image format: Amazon recommends JPEG for image file format. TIFF, PNG, or GIF will also work.
  • Images should not have a border or watermark.
  • Product images should be in RGB color mode only. Other color modes may not work perfectly.
  • Illustration, drawing, or painting on images are not allowed.
  • The images should not contain any nudity or offensive content.
  • The image’s file name should include a product identifier, such as Amazon ASIN.

The Ultimate Guide to Product Image Size for Amazon

Mastered Amazon Photo Editing Like a Pro


Selling on Amazon is an excellent opportunity for sellers, but it’s challenging for many reasons. Complying with the strict photo requirements for amazon is the biggest challenge the sellers face. It is often impossible to abide by these guidelines without professionally editing these photos. Even if you take the shots by seasoned photographers, they can not always make the images compliant. Therefore, if necessary, get help from professional editors. Do you have any further questions on that? Feel free to ask us anything about image guidelines for any e-commerce platform.

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