Around 50% of online customers prefer high-quality product images over product information, descriptions, or even reviews. A photographer must know how to contextualize e-commerce items to showcase their features and benefits. Plus, customers perceive brand quality through its product images. It increases engagement, builds trust, and boosts overall sales. This article covers how e-commerce product photography drives more sales and offers some unique tips for e-commerce success.
The Benefits of Better E-commerce Product Photography
Why should you invest in high-quality e-commerce product images? It must give you some valuable benefits, right? Let’s learn about them.
01. Attract More Interested Customers
High-quality product visuals attract prospective customers. Shoppers can get a clearer, more detailed understanding of the online store goods. Uncommon product graphics create a sense of desire in customers’ minds. They entice buyers to purchase the products.
02. Build Trust and Credibility
Poor product presentation breaks your sales even if you are selling high-quality products. In contrast, sharp, well-lit photographs highlight the product’s key features. Customers can visualize the item accurately and set up clear expectations. This fosters credibility as shoppers feel more confident about purchasing the item.
03. Better Shopping Experience
Good-quality product images improve the overall user experience. Customers can examine the online store goods closely. They get better information about the product. It helps them to make informed purchasing decisions. This ultimately improves the entire shopping experience.
Necessary E-commerce Product Photography Equipment
The right equipment can make a huge difference in your e-commerce product photography. Apart from a professional-grade camera and lens, you need some additional gear to capture high-quality images. Let’s explore them one by one.
01. Shooting Table
A functional table enables you to create different types of setups to capture products differently. You can adjust the lighting and background, too. But what kind of table do you use? Standard folding tables are one of the best choices for e-commerce product photography. They are highly versatile and space-saving. Make sure the table width is between 24 and 27 inches. It must have enough space to hold the product. Experts recommend using white or light-colored tables as they can reflect light and provide uniform illumination.
02. Light Tent
When you photoshoot highly reflective items or any products on a reflective or glossy surface, it can create glare, reflections, or hotspots. Light tents or light boxes can eliminate such harsh reflections or shadows and ensure consistent lighting between images. They create a well-balanced lighting environment to capture great shots of your product. This unique device is perfect for photoshooting small items such as watches, jewelry, etc.
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03. Natural & Artificial Lighting
Natural lighting is great for product photography for e-commerce to showcase a product’s true colors and detail. But when it is not feasible or desirable, you must rely on artificial lighting. Professional photographers use various types of studio lights. However, continuous lights and external flashes are the most common ones. They are great for a steady stream of light. You can even take product photos in low-light and dark situations.
04. Using Tripod
When it comes to studio-type product photography, a tripod can make a huge difference. It provides stability and precision. This three-legged stand comes in handy for close-ups and lifestyle shots. You can arrange for a static frame with properly adjusted lighting or props. Capturing well-composed images is not hard, even at a smaller aperture and lower shutter speed.
05. Mobile Grip
Apart from digital cameras, you can utilize modern smartphones to take photos of your product. There is an adapter on top of modern tripods where you can place a mobile grip. It enables you to collaborate with a digital camera and a smartphone. The smartphone can function as a remote monitor to preview images, adjust settings, or check the frame composition.
06. Reflectors Or Bounce Cards
When it comes to manipulating and controlling the lighting, reflectors are an essential tool. They can redirect light to the product, fill up shadows, and create an even brighter appearance. If you are photographing shiny items, silver reflectors are the best choice. It creates specular light and visually intriguing but subtle effects on the product image. The main goal is to get more natural-looking visuals.
Top 18 E-Commerce Product Photography Tips That No One Will Tell You
Mastering e-commerce product photography takes years to develop skills and learn creative techniques. The following are some unique ideas for taking exceptional product shots and standing out from typical photographers.
01. Use High-quality Equipment
Equipment can make a huge difference in your photoshoot. They give you the freedom to add creativity to your e-commerce product photography. Invest in a good digital or mirrorless camera to capture superior product images. You may need to use specialized lenses to take photos of various online e-commerce goods.
02. Plan Your Shoot
Regardless of what type of product photographer you are, a clear and well-detailed plan is a must for a successful photo shoot. A well-organized plan minimizes errors and maximizes productivity. Create a full plan for shooting schedule and location, lighting, background, props and styling, composition, etc. Take a list of how many shots you will take for each product or each styling.
03. Determine Your Product Photography Style
Product photographers use various types of photography styles, such as product-only, in-action shots, lifestyle, contextualized, etc. It varies depending on the product type and what you want to showcase.
For example, you can utilize in-action shots for sports equipment and lifestyle shots for clothing or beauty products. In contrast, the contextualized style appears appropriate for organic products. You can add some related props along with the main item.
04. Think About Who the Product Is For
Having a clear idea of who your ultimate customers are helps you present the product the way they want. You may need to consider their age, location, lifestyle, interests, behavior, and other attributes.
For example, you can’t expect a similar type of customer behavior from Facebook and LinkedIn. If you target both platforms for the same product, use different photography e-commerce techniques separately.
05. Use Natural Light as Much as Possible
Natural sunlight is free and easily accessible. If you can’t afford high-end studio lighting, sunlight is the best alternative. Natural light can add a soft, true-to-life glow to your product images. It can show the accurate color, texture, and details of the product. However, the perfect timing for a photo shoot is the key. Utilize the golden hours (1 or 2 hours after sunrise and before sunset) for the best results.
For indoor photo shoots, choosing the right location is highly important. Because of inconsistent light rays, you won’t get satisfactory sunlight from east- and west-facing windows. Let’s learn how various cardinal directions affect light patterns.
Window Location | Light Type |
North-facing windows | Warm morning light |
East-facing windows | Warm evening light |
South-facing windows | More direct sunlight |
West-facing windows | Bright, indirect light |
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06. Try Artificial Lighting Options
Product photographers use artificial lights for two reasons: they have more control over lighting and can use it whenever they want. You can use various artificial lighting options, such as soft boxes, reflectors, light boxes, remote shutters, continuous lights, external flashes, etc. Softboxes produce clean, wide, and diffused lighting. You can utilize them for a wide range of product photography for e-commerce. Photographers utilize remote shutters to take photos of millisecond-long moments, such as water splashes, breaking glass, fireworks exploding, etc.
07. Focus On Your Camera Settings
In professional-grade product photography, optimal camera settings play a pivotal role. Spend enough time on camera settings to get precise, similar results under the same conditions. But what are the ideal camera settings for product photography for e-commerce? It will vary based on the type, lighting, depth of field, etc. If you are a beginner, follow this table for a basic photoshoot.
Specifications | Ideal Camera Settings | Why |
Aperture | between f/8 and f/11 | For the most depth of field possible |
Shutter speed | 1/125th or higher | To capture sharp, clear images |
ISO | at 100 | To comply with appropriate light sensitivity |
08. Use A Smartphone
Apart from digital and mirrorless cameras, you can use smartphones to take product shots. Flagship phones from Apple, Samsung, and Google are equipped with advanced camera technology to capture stunning product images quickly.
Adjust the manual settings to create perfect lighting, composition, and focus. Use a stand to place the mobile phone. It will help you maintain proper stability and achieve precise shots.
09. Consider Your Shooting Space
It doesn’t matter whether you are shooting indoors or outdoors. But keeping the shooting area distraction-free is essential. Plus, the space should be bright and easy to see. This practical approach lets you focus on the main subject and improves the image’s story. Unwanted elements won’t interfere with the main composition. You can achieve professional and well-polished images.
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10. Test Different Color Combinations
A particular color evokes a specific mood, emotion, and energy. Different color combinations affect how they perceive the item. If you want to add vibrancy and energy to the good’s visuals, use complementary colors. They can draw customers’ attention by popping up the main subject and adding drama to the composition.
Avoid using any clashing colors. They are not capable of highlighting key elements of the product image. The overall visual won’t look prominent.
11. Pay Attention to Negative Space
Are you using a white background for product photography e-commerce? Why don’t you utilize these empty spaces through your creativity? Utilizing the negative space lets you draw the viewer’s eye to it. Apart from the main subject, the empty space will tell a story that is hard to ignore. For instance, you can position a pair of heels in such a way that their curves form a subtle heart shape in the background.
12. Make the Object ‘Float’
Isn’t it fun and eye-catching when an item is floating in mid-air? It adds creativity, depth, and a premium feel to your product photographs. You can use various dynamic elements or props to create this levitation effect. The surreal looks give a magical feeling. Photographers use thin strings or fishing lines to hang the item. However, you have to remove the thin strings or fishing lines during post-production. Make sure there are no distracting elements that don’t harmonize well with the main item and props. Another important thing is maintaining the natural product shadow.
13. Use Fill Light to Soften Shadows
Whether you use natural light or artificial light, a secondary light source can extend your opportunities to take better photos. But you have to be careful and choosy when selecting them. A wrong one may create a nasty look and overlap the shadow. Fill lights are one of the best options for smooth and bright overall lighting. They can remove harsh shadows on items. Make sure to place them opposite the main light to soften the shadows.
14. Do Night-time Photography with Neon Signs
How about adding multi-dimensional effects to your product photography for e-commerce? It can create a feeling of depth. Neon lights add a pop of color and make an eye-catching background. Street neon signs may not align with your item’s aesthetics. You can use customized options. Make sure there is enough direct light on the main subject of the item. Be careful not to make the backdrop too dark.
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15. Think Outside the Usual
You might be feeling bored after trying common product photography e-commerce ideas. How about exploring some unique concepts? Put your items in unusual situations to make an immediate impression. You can use interactive elements and visuals to make the overall presentation captivating. For example, a jar of peanut butter is in the laundry basket. A toothbrush in the glove compartment. A set of keys in the fruit bowl.
16. Freeze Frame Photography
Freeze-frame shots are tough. Apart from generating creative ideas, you may need to take dozens of shots to get the perfect one. Capturing fast-paced action moments on a still frame takes a lot of practice. But once you get the magical one, no one can stop themselves from looking at your visuals. It creates a memorable visual impact. Make sure you have the right knowledge about what professional equipment to use to achieve the impossible shots.
For instance, you can create a stunning shot of milk splashing on a chocolate bar wrapper. Another example can be liquid dripping off the edge of a wine glass.
17. Don’t Forget the Packaging
Does your item have interesting or premium-type packaging? Showcase it along with the main item. It can convey the quality, design, and value of the main item. Keep the goods inside the box, on top of the box, or next to the box. Take their shots from different angles that harmonize well.
However, cheap packaging can do the opposite. Even if you sell high-quality items, customers may perceive items as not up to the standard due to poor-quality packaging.
18. Work on Post-production
Do you think you can upload those RAW e-commerce images? NO! They are not perfect to upload on your e-commerce site. These product visuals may contain unnecessary objects, flaws, and distractions, which must be corrected. So, what type of editing do your product images need? Background removal, color correction, shadow creation, clipping path, and photo retouching are the most common ones. The key is presenting your items flawlessly, amazingly, and uniquely. While editing the product images, make sure you don’t lose the original image quality. If you are not an expert, hand over this task to a professional photo editing company.
How much does e-commerce product photography cost?
It can be anywhere from $20 to $500 per item photo, depending on the item type, image type, context, photographer experience, and other attributes.
Why is product photography so expensive?
It is pricey because a photographer must invest a lot of time, skills, effort, and high-end equipment to produce high-quality photos.
Should I use a plain background for e-commerce product photography?
You can use pure or plain white or any neutral color for the item background to keep the main item well-focused and professional.
How can I make my product look more appealing in photos?
You can use different relevant props or showcase your items in unusual situations to grab customers’ attention quickly.
How do I ensure accurate product color in my photos?
Manually adjust the white balance setting on your camera and shoot in neutral lighting to prevent color distortions.
High-quality product images can help you take your business to a new height. Make sure to maintain consistent lighting, style, color, and composition to ensure it complements the brand. Don’t forget to edit your product images to remove imperfections and make them enticing. You can hire e-commerce product photography services for professional-level retouching. Hopefully, the above-mentioned secret techniques can help you elevate your e-commerce product photography skills.